The post-treatment results of my CT scan came back clear- praise be to God! I continue to pray for healing and to remain cancer-free. I hope to not do that again!
I have not written or been able to read much during treatment. The chemo affected my eyes and it was simply too painful to do either.
At the beginning of treatment, I thought I would like to regularly write about the journey I'm on- the many provisions, joys and trials along the way. However, I soon realized that I was simply surviving- putting one step in front of the other, and completely living in the moment. Being fully present in each moment, mostly out of necessity, turned out to be one of the most wonderful, unexpected gifts.
When I look back on the last 8 months, I mostly feel a deep sense of gratitude. I am in awe of the blessings I receive each day, and want to easily recall them to mind.
One of the things I am thankful for is the ability to walk. I have always enjoyed walking outside in the fresh air, taking in the the beauty of nature, and wondering who (or what) I might meet along the way. Walking feels transformative. When I begin moving, my mind clears, my eyes and ears become alert, I breathe easy and talking with God flows easily.

Along this route, there is a tree called the Wishing Tree. Hanging on the tree are thousands of "wishes". I'm moved when I read the deep longings and prayers that my neighbors offer up on pieces of paper attached to a tree.
Walking is used as a metaphor for many things, but seeing this tree each day reminded me that every single person is on a journey of their own- filled with trials and hopes. It seems we all long for restoration, love and abundant life.
And, that we need each other.
Here are some of the prayers:

I could not help but think of Jesus suffering and dying on a tree out of love for all of us- Taking all of our burdens and wrong-doing upon himself that we might be restored, have life, and experience love and peace through him who conquered death. My wish is that each person would know Jesus's love and have hope.
There are no words to describe how grateful I am for God's presence, and for my family and friends who walk with me- providing care, help, encouragement and love.
I want to be more like all of them when I grow up.
This is beautiful, Shasta, thank you for writing this. The tree is such a powerful idea. I wonder how it started? I love what you said about living in the present through your suffering when you thought you would write a lot. You will be written on the hearts of those with whom you interact. I appreciate hearing that today as I am tempted at times to feel I should be writing more. I am praying for you today. I know Matt, and saw your blog through his page - am on staff with you, but across the country. Praying for peace and calm right now. Corri