Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Surfacing from the fog

The last four days were much more difficult than I imagined. I knew I would not feel well, but I was not prepared for the magnitude of pain, fatigue, and other challenging side-effects of the chemo.

This morning was a breath of fresh air. I awoke feeling a little better, so I got up, went downstairs and started playing my ukulele.  I really only know a handful of chords, but the sound of it makes me feel happy and reminds me of warm sunshine, blue water, and loved ones.  I'm grateful for my Hawaiian friend who taught me to start playing.  It is a gift.

I also felt well enough to try some coffee.  This morning, my friend introduced me to Stumptown Coldbrew, which has a lower acidity level.  My pounding head thanks both of you!

In the midst of these difficult days, I am so thankful for all those who serve and love me so graciously.
You are a treasure to me.

Thank you for continuing to pray for me. I know that God hears and is present to us all.

Please pray specifically that God would have mercy on me, and lessen the severity of the side-effects I am experiencing.
Please also pray that I would be able to sleep at night.  I have only been able to sleep a few hours a night, and I know this does not help in fighting the battle well.

I am grateful for all your encouragement, and for being in this with me!

 **Here are the words of my favorite ukulele song, best sung by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

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